Photo Sep 30, 4 47 56 PM.jpg


Welcome to YOU Can be a Somebody.  Stories...observations and reflection on our Leadership Journey!

The Dilemma of A Quiet House

The Dilemma of A Quiet House

The Trap

I don't know about YOU... but from time to time I fall into the "home renovation trap" and binge watch episodes as people try to make over their homes. As the show begins and they wander through their current home... it is clear that it is "lived" in with a ton of "stuff" everywhere. The closets are crammed...there are toys strewn in the living room and it is...well...chaos.

At the reveal they get the simplicity they craved... the house is staged with furniture and "things" that make it look incredible. There is very little (if anything) of what was there before. The home owners gasp with glee and delight...this is the perfect house...this is what we wanted!! It is a model home and the ideal place to live...or is it?

In the end...I am always curious if the house turns back into "their old house" or if it gives them the happiness they thought they were missing. You know...fresh fruit in a basket on the counter...the table perfectly set...the pillow fluffed just right... is that the new normal that the family needed? To me.. it was never really about the house it was as much about the people who live there and all that comes from having an active... hectic... busy family life.

My House

All that said... I really like my suits us. We bought it with many upgrades already made by the previous owners. Make no mistake... we LIVE in it. I try regularly to declutter and not let things sink into chaos. I don't know about YOU but it is a constant battle to stay ahead of it.

Right now...all the dishes are done...the laundry has been put away...I remade the beds...I tidied each room... I put away the various "projects" (like the sewing machine in the dining room where my daughter was making pillow covers for the dog's bed) and I cleaned out the fridge.

There is only the clicking sound of the keyboard as I type and some Billy Joel playing in the background. My family left for California this morning for a few days to celebrate Spring Break...including the dog who will see the beach for the first time. I decided to stay behind to recuperate from a cold (not Covid thankfully) and get a jump start on a few things around here as well as for work.

The Dilemma

I can admit...out of frustration...from time to time... I wish the house was redone and staged...uncluttered and that everyone could just keep it up. Even in those moments when we have a cleaning service come in and scrub it top to bottom it rarely lasts more than 24 hours.

....yet I wouldn't have it any other way!

For you is all the messy aspects of living life that makes our lives truly fulfilling. It is the people (and pets) that know us and love us...who help create the clutter and chaos that makes the journey that much richer.

Right now... I finally have a clean... quiet house... and it means I am alone

These Are the Good Old Days

All the messy... busy... cluttered days at work are a lot like this too. There are days when there is so much going on and to keep up with that I wish things could slow down. The pressure...the deadlines...the meetings... it can be a lot.

Having said that...I know that I am privileged to do what I do each and every day and with the incredible people I get to work with. Some day...if I am lucky...I will get to retire (or win the lottery) and will look back on this time as "the good ole days". Some day my calendar will be empty and the emails won't be piling up and the excitement of this time will be behind me. Not any time soon I hope...which is why I try to focus on all that I have and that I am learning each and every day.

In Closing...

At home and at work we sometimes long for peace...quiet...and tidy lives. I believe living life to the fullest means embracing the messy... chaotic... wonderful things that can come along with it.

I do advocate for self care and taking time to relax...refresh and renew so we can navigate life's ups and downs. Just don't wish the time away...that time will come far too quickly than any of us are ready for.

For now... I will try to enjoy the quiet...clean house...but it's only been a few hours and I'm already looking forward to Thursday when they will return to mess it all up again.

Lastly, I'm sending love and healing thoughts to my friends and colleagues who recently lost loved ones. Life changes in an instant and suddenly we would give everything we have for a chance to complain about our messy...chaotic... imperfect lives together... which is actually more perfect than we know!

Leadership Questions of the Week For YOU:

  • What do YOU think about the dilemma of the quiet house? Can you see a correlation to how we think about our personal and professional lives?

  • Can YOU think of a time recently where the chaos or demands of your personal or professional life were overwhelming? How did you put it in perspective? What steps could you take to give yourself that break or reset to be ready to face it all again?

  • Did YOU lose someone recently and can relate to wishing you could have that hectic...wonderful time back with them? What advice would you give to others who may be grappling with this right now?

Thanks for reading….and remember…YOU make a difference!

Please continue the conversation by liking…commenting or sharing this article. You can also follow me on twitter @marciedwhite or LinkedIn

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