Photo Sep 30, 4 47 56 PM.jpg


Welcome to YOU Can be a Somebody.  Stories...observations and reflection on our Leadership Journey!

Life's Like A Puzzle

There was more than one occasion before the holiday break where I sat in frustration trying to finish a task or figure out the path forward to a complex situation. For some reason... when I am in that mode... it seems like the harder I try... the less likely I am to find the solution... and it just solidifies my resolve to NOT walk away until it's done. The reality is... this never works out and takes me a lot longer than it should... not to mention the toll it takes on my overall outlook.

The Annual Holiday Puzzle

Our annual tradition is that Santa delivers a puzzle "To the Whitehouse Dwellers". It is typically set up on the kitchen table the day or so after Christmas to be worked on by anyone passing by... drinking coffee... drinking wine... or just plain committed to the adventure. This year's puzzle was 1000 pieces (we have done as large as 1500). If we do it right it takes the whole week between Christmas and New Year's. A challenge...yet doable.

I like that we have also picked a theme that the puzzle is places we have visited like London, Paris and this year Venice.

The Puzzle Process

It wouldn't be a blog post without professing my nerdy... overthinking ways of doing things. You'll be shocked to know there is set of steps/processes we have figured out over the years that helps the puzzle along...

  • Dedicate an Adequate Workspace. We made the mistake early on to try and set up on the coffee table in the living room with the tree. While a whimsical esthetic...the lighting was bad and everyone's back was broken bending over it. The kitchen table ticks all the boxes as a central location, great lighting and ample seating.

  • Edge Pieces First. I think this one is obvious and everyone does it but still worth mentioning.

  • Sorting Containers. This has been a key learning and is simple yet effective. As we sort the edge pieces we also take a first pass a sorting by color or area on the puzzle and placing them in containers. When we get to that spot we dump them on the table allowing lots of space to work with them. Also reduces the chance we lose a piece to the floor. As things fill in...we sub-sort the pieces. HUZZAH!

  • At the End - Sort by Shape. In many the end there is a solid color to fill in. At that point you have to settle in to trail and error. To help the process...take the time to sort by shape and just methodically knock it out.

The Biggest Lesson of All!

There are many times as we assemble the puzzle where someone says...

"I can't find this one piece. It should be easy to spot and I have been through them all...I just can't see it."

That is typically when we either take a break or someone will come from across the room to assist. Without fail... once we take a break or someone with a fresh set of eyes approaches...the piece is almost always immediately found. Then comes the cry of satisfaction and disbelief that it had been in plain sight all along.

In Closing...

Life's Like A Puzzle. It is a reminder that we all need to take a break...walk away or simply invite a fresh set of eyes and perspective to find that one piece we have been missing. Our tendency is to always push through because we think...

  • We have a process or have taken all the right steps

  • We have put in the time and are working hard to achieve the goal

  • We should be able to do it on our own...without any help

  • We believe that if we have done everything right things should just fall into place

So in 2023...when you find yourself stuck... frustrated or can't seem to come up with the answers... take a break even though it is the last thing you want to do. Go for a walk... get something to eat... anything to give you a chance to rest and refocus. Maybe get someone else to pick it up with a fresh set of eyes to look at things differently. Allow yourself the joy of a fresh perspective and a team that can fill in the blanks to achieve the overall goal!

Leadership Questions of the Week for YOU:

  • What do YOU do when you find yourself stuck... frustrated or can't come up with the answers? DO you tend to push through until it's done?

  • Do YOU find that you tend to rely on a process to ensure your overall success or can you recognize when the process alone isn't enough to achieve the desired outcomes in the time frame you are expecting?

  • Have YOU found that taking a break enables you to complete things faster and more effectively than pushing through... even though it seems counter intuitive?

  • On a lighter note... any puzzle nerds like me out there with tips/lessons learned to completing a large puzzle? We really like Clementoni and have tried Ravensburger. Any other brands you recommend? Post YOUR puzzle pics in the comments.

Thanks for reading….and remember…YOU make a difference!

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