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Welcome to YOU Can be a Somebody.  Stories...observations and reflection on our Leadership Journey!

3 Leadership Lessons: Including... Always Treat People Like People

3 Leadership Lessons: Including... Always Treat People Like People

It took a lot more encouragement... get up and go...and focus than you can imagine...but I FINALLY took a week off recently and planned a mini-vacation get away to San Diego. I won't whine about all my "first world" problems to decide on where to go and where we should stay. Sufficed to say we justified our choices because it had been two years since we had a proper vacation....we weren't flying...and we were only going to be away from home for 5 nights. So Luxury...pampering...and over the top...sign me UP!!

Imposter Syndrome

Despite the fact that I make decisions and choices every day at wasn't easy to choose between a couple of properties that we were looking at staying. When I narrowed it down to the final two resorts...based on their availability...and GULP... room rates...I decided to do both and simply split the week between the two. They looked ah-mah-zing....and completely "out of our league" but it would be wonderful to play pretend for a few days that we were "rich people".

A few days before we were due to leave....I started to over think things (as I am apt to do)... and some doubt started to creep in about the resort choices. We actually ARE NOT "lifestyles of the rich and famous" so we really have no business staying at these properties. Maybe the Hilton Garden Inn would be a better choice after all (no disrespect intended)?

I finally found a way to make my peace with my choices by saying to myself "the people that work at these resorts are real people like me so surely it will be OK! Right?!"

Leadership Lesson #1:

Don't Let Imposter Syndrome Hold YOU back... YOU Belong!

Make the Most of the Moment

So... putting my insecurities behind me...we hopped in our rental car (we left our car at home for our daughter) and off we went on our big adventure. The further away we got from Phoenix and the closer we got to our destination...the more excited we got and we started to make fun of ourselves in anticipation of our arrival. Check out one of my facebook posts while we were away to see what I mean!

In fact...the valets that worked the resort (Brandon & Juan) joined in on our fun every time we had our Mitsubishi pull up. We asked them about the most amazing cars they got to drive as part of their job and if the excitement had worn off since they get to do it every day? They laughed and reassured us it was fun for them too and that our rental car was all was like their own car at home!

We were "ourselves" from beginning to end... treating everyone we met with great appreciation and joy for the "cool place" we got to stay in. Not only did that make our stay a lot of fun...but I believe we made a lot of people that worked there smile too!

Leadership Lesson #2:

Make the most out of every situation...don't be intimidated about the place you find yourself in... just be yourself and enjoy the moment.

Treat People Like People now we are over imposter syndrome and enjoying the moment...we are off to a great start! For our first night at the resort we decided to eat on site to keep it simple. The property had a couple of restaurants to choose from and we decided we weren't up for the "fancy" one (not an intimidation or money thing... it just wasn't what we were looking for after a long day of driving).

We walked over and pulled up to the "hostess podium" to claim our reservation. As we waited to be seated... I could see a group of guys approach in the mirror behind the desk...fresh off the golf course (their flamboyant pants giving them away). I instantly recognized one of them as Steve Harvey (from Family Feud). I turned around to face them and as they got closer I could see Steve Harvey's face drop as he took one look at us and thought "oh crap...people...I hope they don't make a scene and start shouting SURVEY SAYS".

As the group stopped behind is how my conversation with him went...

Me (with a smile): "Good day on the golf course?"

Steve Harvey (shyly as to not draw attention): "Yes Ma'am - we had a good day"

Me: "So...How did you shoot?"

To this question....the whole group of guys...including Steve Harvey cracked up... laughing and carrying on. One of them proclaimed with glee.. "Of COURSE she would ask YOU that question...seriously right now???"

Steve Harvey (Big Smile on His Face...His Whole Demeanor Transformed with Playful Pride): "Well Ma'am...I'm glad you asked! As a matter of fact...I had the most incredible day and shot a 74 beating these gentlemen by a mile! You want to see my score card? Let me show YOU my score card!"

The whole group was laughing and carrying on as he got a chance to boast (I am guessing for the hundredth time that day) about his game. As he showed me his scorecard I exclaimed "that's amazing...well done! With pants like that deserved a great day to back them up!" At this...they all laughed!

At that moment...the hostess came back and said our table was ready. I turned back to the group and said..."Glad you had a great day...enjoy the rest of your evening".

Out of that whole interaction...I made an instant choice to treat him and his group no different than I would have any other folks in that situation. I did not acknowledge first ...nor last...who he was. In the end...I would like to believe that it made his day.

Leadership Lesson #3

Treat People like People! This ALSO applies to those you view as "important" or high level executives. This doesn't mean you should take additional liberties or forget who they just means you can relax and breath. You may even make them laugh or make their day!

In Closing:

We really did have a wonderful few days and I was able to come back rested...relaxed and with a refreshed point of view. It didn't matter that we didn't travel that far was just that we allowed ourselves the break...the peace...the quiet and enjoyed an incredible experience that was completely disconnected from our "regular life". I reflect on our "celebrity encounter" I was proud of myself that I made it all about HIM and not about ME. I didn't try to impress him...I didn't try to "take from him" (i.e ask for a picture or autograph) I just asked a few questions to genuinely interact with him and to be present in the moment. As it turns out...that is no different than any one else we interacted with on the trip. It's good to remember that we should always make it about THEM not about YOU!

Sometimes those are the best moments of all...agree?

Leadership Questions of the Week for YOU:

  • What do YOU think of the 3 Leadership lessons? Can you think of any stories recently where this applied and how YOU reacted or dealt with it?

  • When you think of "treating people like people" do you often forget to use that as you interact with influential people in your organization or clients?

  • Can YOU think of a recent moment with an executive where YOU were so focused on what you wanted to convey that you missed a chance to just be you and hear more about them? You know...just like "real people"?

  • What advice or coaching would you give others (or that you give yourself) to get over imposter syndrome?

Thanks for reading and remember...YOU make a difference!

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