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Merit-Based Networking: Building Connections that Lead to Job Offers

Merit-Based Networking: Building Connections that Lead to Job Offers

I want to earn my next role based on my merits. Leveraging my network feels like cheating

Pretty much every time I meet with someone in my network who is on the job hunt I hear that exact phrase.

My response always is...

Make NO mistake that you will earn your next role on YOUR merits...but YOU can't do that if YOU never get a chance to talk to the recruiter or hiring manager!

Musical Chairs

I don't know the last time YOU truly had to look for a job. More than likely...YOU have had pretty good fortune in YOUR career with opportunities to do new things within your company or opportunities presented themselves that you took advantage of. YOU may not even remember the last time YOU updated YOUR resume or had to do a "real" interview where no one knew who you were.... knew anything about the company you came from or what you were capable of.

I have seen this play out over the past few years where the game of musical chairs finally catches up with you. The music stops and you find yourself without a chair. It wasn't your fault... you didn't see it coming... you were always able to grab a chair before... and now YOU find yourself without a role in company.

The World We Live In

The job hunt has changed over the years and the AI screening that companies have instituted make it almost impossible for you to get an interview by "simply applying online". In other words...your resume won't be a perfect match for the job description and you will undoubtedly be screened out before you can even begin. Not to mention there are a LOT of qualified candidates out there...even though WE know YOU are really the perfect fit!

As hard as it is to take... YOU can't take this personally. YOU can spend a ton of time tailoring your resume to include as many key words and phrases that the job description has in it...but that alone won't guarantee you make it past the BOTS.

Pro Tip: I DO recommend tailoring your "summary section" at the top of your resume for each new role you apply for and incorporating as much of the job description points as you can. That way you can quickly and easily customize it so when you DO get in front of someone YOU can demonstrate how your skills and experience match up to the role.

The Power of YOUR Network

To start with... I highly recommend you check out The Best Hidden Secret of LinkedIn which outlines a capability of the platform that virtually NO ONE knows about. Beyond the tactical steps to find people in your network using advanced filters (which I still think is pretty darn cool)... what I advocate for is the mindset shift and phycological change you have to make as a job seeker or as a life long networker.

We have to stop thinking that leveraging our network is cheating or bothering someone or somehow a bad idea. We also have to view networking as a regular practice to build relationships... not just when we need something. This goes for all of us... whether we are in the job market or not. Even if we are just looking for more visibility within our current company. Get ahead of it and don' wait until you have found yourself without a chair.

Having said that... each time I have asked for assistance from a someone in my network I am delighted by their willingness to help others. It is about how you position it and making the task as easy as you can for them. To be honest...not many people know How to Open Doors for Others but YOU can guide them through it.

Pro Tip: Once you apply for a job online... use the "Best Hidden Secret" instructions to find someone in your network that works there (1st Connection) or someone who knows someone at that company (2nd Connection). Send them a note (ensure it is personable and shows interest in how they are doing) and includes the job requisition number and any info you have on the job you applied for. Ask them if they could look up the recruiter and hiring manager in their system. You can take it from there. If they are comfortable they can even make a warm introduction to them or even better input you as a referral for the position.

In Closing...

If you find yourself without a chair and in the job hunt... make no mistake YOU will earn YOUR next role based on who YOU are... what YOU can do and the value you can bring to that company. YOU just can't get that chance unless YOU get in front of the recruiter and/or hiring manager. Leverage YOUR network...reconnect with former colleagues... friends AND make new friends...most likely friends of friends! YOU will be amazed how it fast tracks a process that is already hard enough as it is. me a favor...once YOU land that next sure to share the tips with others and be an active participant in YOUR network. BE the person who helps others proactively not just passively.

Everyone needs a helping hand and often we are better at helping others than we are helping ourselves. Perhaps this will also help YOU and YOUR personal brand within your network in case you need ever find yourself without a chair too.

Lastly... leverage the ABCs of Merit Based Networking...

Ask For Help. Find key contacts in YOUR network and set up time to let them know you are in the market. Make sure YOU also spend time asking about how they are doing and if YOU can help them in return.

Be Specific. Don't just say...keep me in mind. Be specific about the roles YOU are applying for and the companies YOU are targeting. Ask them for three (3) warm introductions to people in those companies or people more senior in those types of roles... always ask for a level up if you can (i.e. if you are looking for a Manager role... meet with a Director).

Change YOUR Mindset. Think about Merit-Based Networking as YOUR competitive edge. It's not just one or the is both that will lead YOU to your next job offer.

Leadership Questions of the Week for YOU:

  • When was the last time YOU found yourself out of work? What was the best advice or help YOU received?

  • Do YOU think leveraging your network in your job hunt is cheating? Why do YOU think we are so reluctant to ask for help?

  • What are YOUR pro tips for anyone in the job market?

  • Who was the last person YOU helped navigate to find a role? If you haven't helped someone...what is holding YOU back?

  • What do YOU think of the ABCs of Merit Based Networking? Anything YOU would add or change?

Thanks for reading….and remember…YOU make a difference!

Please continue the conversation by liking…commenting or sharing this article. You can also follow me on twitter @marciedwhite or LinkedIn.

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