Are YOU a Rule Breaker?
I always look forward to this time of year as I reflect and respond to the CRN Women of the Channel application. Even though many of the questions have remained the same over the past nine times I have done it... there are always a few new ones that get me thinking!
What's one workplace rule that you always break and why?
This one had me stumped. Over the years I had never really given this any thought... I mean... who breaks rules? I have always believed in following company guidelines....especially now that I am in a heavily regulated...policy driven industry like Financial Services. What I think the question is getting at is more around workplace "norms" that don't warrant disciplinary action...up to and including termination.
So...How did I Answer the Question?
I must admit, I am not much of a rule breaker. I would categorize myself as a disruptor who pushes the boundaries of rules. I like to call it the power of “What If”. It is an approach to say, “I understand and respect rules, but WHAT IF we did it this way, would it be ok and still accomplish what we need?” It is this dialogue, approach, and enlisting the help of others that can lead to innovative solutions, while keeping us all safe within the rules. Sometimes, if I am lucky, we can even rewrite them!
In Closing...
Did I mention you only get to answer the question in 100 words max? I am looking forward to reading all the different ways other women of the channel answered this question. I'm sure others will come up with a more specific, clever or insightful response. I don't think anyone is advocating for breaking rules that lead to illegal acts but I can think of a lot of ways we should be stretching the limits for innovation and growth. It is also about doing "the right thing" for those you work with, work for and those who may feel they DO NOT have a voice.
If I was taking a light hearted approach to the question...I think I could have answered "my dress code/shoe choices". Over the years I have really embraced my cowboy boots and cool girl jeans. When I came to HPE Financial Services it was more of a "Wall Street" buttoned down vibe. So I did break/stretch the dress code with my boots and jeans when I went to the office and chalked it up to "travel days"
Lastly, one of my favorite sayings is "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished". It is a reminder to me that in doing the right thing which results in breaking/stretching the rules...there may be consequences. In whatever you willing to step up, take accountability and own the repercussions of your actions. The power of "What IF" should always be worth it!
Leadership Questions of the Week for YOU:
Do YOU consider yourself a "Rule Breaker"?
How would YOU answer the question in 100 words max?
Can you think of a specific time you broke a workplace rule and what did you learn from it?
What advice would YOU give to others about what workplace rules can and should be broken?
Thanks for reading….and remember…YOU make a difference!
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